This is fantastic pixel art, easily professional-level quality!
Regarding making your own JRPG game: I don't think you should dismiss the possibility so fast. If you keep the scope of it well enough under control (e.g. reusing art assets in a modular way, such as recolors and multi-purpose props and recombinable components) then I think you could do it.
Programming is not as hard as people think, especially if you avoid the more bloated engines and frameworks and languages.
In that regard, I recommend you look into Love2D (as a game library/framework/engine) and Lua (as the programming language). Lua is one of the easiest languages. It's whole reference manual for v5.1 is readable in one day (maybe ~100 pages?). Just ignore the part about binding to C and just use Love2D directly. Look at the site and I think you may be surprised how simple things can be. No worries though. Just a suggestion. Don't underestimate yourself!