
5 Audio Reviews

3 w/ Responses

This composition captures a kind of "lazing around on a warm and sunny day" kind of aural feeling that I don't think I've ever heard captured quite so well anywhere as here! It also has a sense of whimsy to it, perhaps even humor I would say.

Specifically, when I think of where I would see this music fit a scene two mental images came to mind:

(1) a quaint village in a JRPG, perhaps with a few of the villagers/NPCs behaving ridiculously and making over-the-top quest requests to resolve petty inter-villager problems on their behalf


(2) some main character of a story getting marooned somewhere after making a humorously unwise choice earlier and kind of "floating around listlessly" in the place they end up (with similar vibes as floating on an inflatable pool float chair but perhaps with a look of mild dismay or annoyance and resignation to their situation on their face).

Yes, I realize this is very specific and over-the-top as a review comment, heh... but I don't care. I do what I wanna do!

Anyway, TLDR: Good job!

Dorkus64 responds:

Thanks for your thoughtful words! Glad you enjoyed :)

I wish I could sleep for 18 hours! Instead though, I have recurring long-term sleep quality problems... 😴

Indeed, if I could have one "mundane superpower" it would definitely be maximally restful and controllable sleep.

Anyway though, I really liked the smoothness and overall character and timbre of this piece!

The only thing I'd change though is I'd definitely remove all the white noise (static) from 5:10 onwards. Even just fading out at that point without a proper ending transition would still be better than the white noise I think and that part really seems to stick out as not belonging and as only harming the feeling of the ending.

Oh well though, the other 90% of the music is awesome! 🎹🎧

zhatai responds:

sorry to hear about your sleep problems! I have some of my own too- the only reason why I was able to sleep for 18 hours was because I had a week with minimal sleep and I think my body gave up keeping me awake. sleep problems are not very fun, I hope yours get better!

thanks for the kind words about the piece, appreciate it! regarding the white noise in the ending, it was meant to somewhat resemble the feeling right before losing consciousness - the rough idea behind the piece was to capture the feeling I get right before drifting off. in retrospect though, it definitely doesn't sound great and I would probably change it if I came back to the piece. but hey, what can you do :)

This song (Lite) has good energy and variance.

My favorite parts are: (1) the transition and following motif at 39 seconds, (2) the somewhat subtle "twinkling sounds" in the background around 1 minute 20 seconds, and (3) the mellow reverb-heavy guitar sound at 1 minute and 49 seconds.

The last (#3, the mellow guitar background) is slightly reminiscent to me of the guitar playing in the in-town (Tristam) music theme of the classic procedurally generated action-RPG Diablo 1. β›Ί

Another great piece! 😎

This one feels like it has "cyberpunk vibes" perhaps, like it could fit an action-packed sci-fi video game or something like that.

This is a wondrous combination of genres and goes together very pleasingly in this piece!

I'm not sure if I've ever heard this particular genre combo, but it certainly seems to work well, at least in your hands evidently.

Looking forward to hearing more from you in the future! 🎼🎢🎡

Gl1tchMe responds:

Thanks a lot, receiving these words is a big pleasure for me! :)

I'm a widely creatively diverse person interested in many subjects. I've published two books and I also used to work in the AAA game industry. ΒΆ These days I'm trying to branch out into more artistic things and to recover/repair my damaged creative mojo.

Male (Straight)

Creative Generalist

BS in Computer Science

USA (East Coast)

Joined on 8/14/24

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